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St. Patrick Parish & St. Mary School Mission

St. Patrick Parish Mission Statement

We are a Church of disciples who worship together, listen to the voice of God, and strengthened by the grace we receive in the

sacraments, strive to become saints by saying "Yes" to God's Will in all things. 

St. Mary Elementary and Junior High School Mission Statement


In Jesus’ name we pray, teach, learn, and serve.



Students will grow in virtue, develop self-discipline, and become who God created them to be.


School and Parish Mission - Spanish Translation

Our Philosophy

crossThe philosophy of this school is to lead the students to reach their true potential – spiritually, academically, socially and physically.

The goal, spiritually, is for each student to develop a personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, as taught in the Scripture and Sacred Tradition. God's truth and message are integrated into all learning.

We strive for academic excellence by developing essential self-directed learning and critical thinking skills. Knowledge is emphasized rather than grades as is cooperation rather than competition.

Opportunities are provided for the students to engage in service activities in the home, school, parish, and community. Through these activities, the students develop into responsible citizens and show respect and care for all individuals.

The students are encouraged to develop healthy bodies through physical education classes and extracurricular programs. The emphasis of these programs is skill development, team building, and good sportsmanship. Through this framework of spiritual, academic, social, and physical growth, each child is encouraged and guided to discover his/her own gifts and to realize and be grateful for the full value of these gifts from God in an atmosphere of faith.

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